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Computer Scientist at the Department of BioSciences, Rice University

Missed opportunity on “replies to survey@united.com are not monitored”

United Airlines has been sending email after each flight, such as: Tell us about your recent flight from Cancun, Mexico to Houston, TX.

My unsolicited suggestions about their approach:

  • Remove the line saying “replies to survey@united.com are not monitored”.
    • It tells me that no one cares. Others have pointed this out: here, and here.
  • Give the option to just reply to message, or answer the structured survey.
    • Imagine a big display on a wall inside United Headquarters that randomly displays such emails for them to see as they walk on a hallway.
    • Such emails could be placed automatically into an internal blog in United, or a forum, so that follow up can be done as needed.
  • It makes no sense that the survey “expires”.
    • After a week long vacation, does United really think that answering their email is the top of the things to do when I get back to home and work?
  • Give some incentive to provide feedback. Example: a chance to win a tablet, or even a chance to win frequent-flier miles.

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