I interviewed (non-technical) at a company that actually develops technology that has a positive impact in the real world.
- They engage in pro-bono projects
- It reminds me of Laszlo interview where he says “we should have more days that we feel that we’re changing the world than days that we’re not”
- It is an analysis platform that uses ontology!
- If WebFountain had gotten Amit Sheth as chief scientist (or VP), this is what WebFountain would be right now
- I would bet that the employees are quite good; I would not be surprised if google/facebook is trying to recruit them intensly
- Technical interview: I made the mistake of using an easier to code data structure to answer a question. My choice was partly because I expected to code it up on the browser, but it turns out that it was not needed. The interviewer stated the problem and asked follow up questions. Had I chosen the other data structure, then it would have been easier to answer such questions. I was a bit surprised that I did not have to code the answer. It was one of those websites where you can see in real-time what the other person types, and it is designed for writing computer programs.