Summary of a dream I had last night:
In my dream, I am working as family counselor. I’m in the living room of a family of a young marriage where is also joining the meeting the mom of the wife. The mom of the wife has a 2 year old daughter.
The little girl is playing around where I am seated and when the meeting is over, she holds my hand as we walk out of the room towards the backyard, which is huge, the house was a mansion. The backyard might has well had been a park. It had its own lake and fountains and there was a big fancy party going on, easily over 200 guests, most of them wearing casual or business attire.
The family asks me to hold the little girl on my arms and they ask a photographer to take a photo of her. Then they say that the father of the girl is coming to take a photo with her. They go get him as he’s talking to some CEO-looking person. As he walks towards where I’m holding the little girl, I recognize him. He’s the governator! Wow, that means that the mom of the little girl is that famous lady that I think is of a political family (not sure of name or anything else). Then, I start to wonder, how to address Arnold Schwarzenegger when he’s right next to me? Do I call him Mr. Schwarzenegger? Do I call him sir? The guy looks just like in the movies, except that he’s wearing shorts and has a big smile as he walks to meet his daughter.
Then I wake up. Anyways, I do not even know if in real life he’s dad of a little kid or not. I conclude that if I ever meet the guy I’ll will call him “sir”. That should do it.