I tested several browsers for a period of two months. At the office in my Windows XP desktop, I would use a different browser every day. Details:
- Internet Explorer 8: dislike that Ctrl+L does not take me to the address bar. Slow when opening tabs. The yellow bar warning about running add-ons such as Adobe-Flash is annoying. I gave up on this browser after the second week.
- Google Chrome v21: like the option of saving to PDF. It does not move to other tabs with Ctrl+PageUp/PageDown when inside editor window of WordPress.
- Mozilla Firefox v14: gives the impression that it wants to update quite frequently. It is great to copy text such as clicking on a word and then using shift+arrow to select adjacent text. Moving to other tabs with Ctrl+PageUp/PageDown always works.
- Safari v5: zooming in google maps causes screen mess (as if the video card had failed only in this application). It is somewhat slow in the start but I do not see this in my mac. It is great to copy text such as clicking on a word and then using shift+arrow to select adjacent text. It needs an easy way to move to other tabs using keyboard shortcuts.
My preference: Mozilla Firefox.
Ideal browser: Mozilla Firefox with the “print-to-PDF” option.
I can prefer Mozilla after that Chrome…